Ever since MELODY was established in 2004, with the support of MELODY’s founder, every Sunday evening (6pm to 8pm) has become a happy time for MELODY members who are looking to play basketball full court. And the indoor basketball court on the fourth floor of Hunan Gym on 515 Fang Xie Road has since become MELODY’s first home court.
At that time this indoor session was just a voluntary basketball activity instead of the current fixed training session. During its peak period, we attracted over thirty members. For us female ballers to play this game, we need to overcome many more obstacles (family, personal, work, and other commitments) than our counterparts. These factors would affect the long term, stable commitment of female ballers to persist in participating in this team sport. And these factors have led to a difficult period for us, with only two members at one of the sessions.
MELODY management team would like to create an official team with a proper training setting where it can help our members to get better at this game and fully utilize the two hours we have every Sunday.
Through a series of survey taking, audition sessions, contacting professional coaches and other preparation work which lasted a full six months; we decided the team’s training time, venue, policies and invited a professional coach. In 2010 MELODY’s first official team, “MELODY Team” was formed. This team attracted over 40 members who applied to be part of the team. There were five audition sessions whereby we had more than 20 members attending each time. We invited a professional coach, Coach ZHANG Wei Zhen, to support in selecting the official members for this team based on the members’ playing attitude, skills, personality and commitment level.
MELODY’s first official team, “MELODY Team” was established in July the same year. We made a set of team policy and regulations, attracted a group of committed members, invited a professional coach to lead our training and games, and created a management team to manage the team. The team has members from cities all around China and other parts of the world. We organize friendly games on a regular basis over the past few years, and the team has become stronger since then.
Since 2014 MELODY Team has officially taken a new team name, called the MELODY Elves team. We have 20+ members in our team at the moment.
MELODY Elves members are mainly players with more than seven years amateur playing experience or with more than one year semi-professional or professional playing experience. We have a fixed set of playing uniform and have one to two friendly games with other teams every month. We mainly play against local schools’girls teams, international schools’ girls teams, or selected U18 boys teams.
训练信息 Training Information
训练地点:上海市黄浦区方斜路515号 沪南体育馆 4楼
Time: Every Sunday, 18:30-20:30 (Excluding national holidays)
Venue: 4F, 515 Fang Xie Road, Near Da Ji Road
训练内容 Training's Contents
打球内容:2小时全场训练 Two hours training
热身:20 分钟 Warm-up: 20 minutes
全场训练和打球:100分钟 Training and Playing time: 100 minutes
建设中 Under construction
张珠萍指导(信息搜集中...)Coach ZHANG Zhu Ping (Collecting information...)
球队Team: 精灵队Elves
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto: “I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying.” by Michael Jordan
接触篮球是在小学三年级的时候,一开始只是纯粹因为是院里小孩子那个时候都在玩耍的运动,没想到就这么一直坚持到了现在。和篮球相关的回忆,关于Michael Jordan,关于灌篮高手,关于在繁重课业中还是一起打球的小伙伴,关于曾经穿不了或者不能拥有的篮球鞋,想起来都还是一直觉得很美好。2002年离开成都来到上海念大学,经历过很多一个人在球场投篮的夜晚后,2005年初加入了melody,开始了关于篮球生活的一个新旅程,而我也很庆幸自己能有机会加入melody,有一群志同道合的小伙伴是能坚持到现在还在打球很重要的原因。在加入melody近10年的十年中,经历了毕业,工作,2009年离开上海,又在2013年计划回归上海的过程,不知不觉中发现melody已经成为我成长和生活的一部分。现在我在广东的一家家具企业担任营销总监同时需要兼顾上海店的销售和管理工作,现阶段呆在上海和广东的时间基本各半,在各种无止境的出差和偶尔让人疲惫的工作中,篮球场和melody是我的乌托邦,不管多少岁,还是能有那种最纯粹的热爱和快乐是一件很幸福的事。不管之后的工作和生活会有如何变化,我想篮球总是会是很重要的一部分。
Cooper first got in touch with basketball in grade three in elementary school. At the beginning it was purely because the kids in the block were playing this sport. She did not expect to continue playing this sport today. She has good feelings about basketball due to her great memories and experiences related to basketball (including Michael Jordan, Slam Dunk, team mates she met and played basketball together with in school, basketball shoes, etc). In 2002 after leaving Chengdu to come to Shanghai for university, she experienced several nights of shooting hoops by herself on the court. Since joining MELODY in early 2005, she started a new basketball journey. She felt lucky to have the opportunity to join MELODY and met several friends who share the same interest. This is the main reason why she has been able to persist to playing this sport until now. In the ten years with MELODY, she has changed her status of being a university student to a working professional. Having left Shanghai in 2009 and returning to this city in 2013 made her realized that MELODY has become part of her life and growth. She is currently working as the Marketing Director in a Guang Dong based furniture company working between the two locations supporting the sales and management as well. With the unlimited business trips and stress from work, MELODY and the basketball court have become her “utopia”. No matter how old she gets, she feels thankful to still be able to have the passion and pure happiness from basketball. Whatever changes in her life and work, she believes basketball will always be an important part of her life.
建设中...Under construction...
Q: What are the requirements to join the Elves team?
A: One needs to become a club member first before one is eligible to apply to join the team. Experience: Seven years or more amateur playing experience, or a year or more semi-professional or professional playing experience; Attendance:Attend at least 60% of the training sessions/year (80% of this you must arrive on court on time); General Qualities: Adhere to the team's culture, abide by the team's policy.
Q: Can I still apply to the team if I am only in Shanghai for a short period of time?
A: To ensure the quality and stability of the team trainings, we require candidates to be based in Shanghai for at least one year. Those who can commit to the team trainings for at least a year will then be considered to join the team. However, you are invited to join our Say Go basketball pick up 5v5 sessions if you are in Shanghai for a shorter period of time or here for business/leisure.
Q: I reach the requirements to join the Elves team except for the Attendance requirement due to the nature of my job, will the Elves team still consider my application?
A: Normally we have preference over candidates who are able to reach the requirements to join the team, however as most of the players are working professionals; we welcome you to still apply even if you are unable to reach the Attendance requirement. However, we do expect you to work harder on the other areas as a player. The Elves and MELODY Management Team reserve the rights to decide whether a candidate's application is approved to join the team or not.
Q: I am currently a member/player of another women's club/team in Shanghai (or other cities); however, because I love playing basketball so much, I would like to find more opportunities to play. I would like to know if MELODY accepts candidates who are are members or players in other clubs/teams?
A: We welcome all female ballers to join our big family (despite the fact that you are also playing in other teams/clubs). However we do require you to adhere to our club and team's policies and playing culture once you decide to join us.
Q: What are the attire requirements for the training session?
A: Avoid wearing accessories (bracelets, watches, etc), and wear a gear suitable for basketball and basketball shoes.
Q: How often does the Elves play against other teams?
A: Usually we will play 2-3 games per season (3 months).
Q: How does the Elves arrange the name list for games against other teams?
A: For home games every Elves player gets to play, however, if the number of available players is more than 14; we will arrange based on the first letter of our players' names. The other players who are not in the list of 14 players will be arranged to support organizing the game (timer, photographer, etc). We will arrange all players to take turns supporting home games. You will find out when you join the team. For away games, we will arrange the name list based on attendance. (Minimum attendance to 4 training session that season).
Q: How does the Elves record attendance?
A: For our training sessions, we record 1 point for being on time (ready to train/do warm up exercises before 6pm), 0.6 point if you are late within 30 minutes, 0.5 point if you are late for more than 30 minutes, 0.1 point for absence with notice, and 0 point for absence without notice. If you have to miss a training, please inform management in advance.
Q: I heard that the Elves is full at the moment, when can I apply to join the Elves?
A: Due to the limited available slots in the team, we are unable to accept new members into the team until there is an open slot. However, interested candidates should still download our application and apply first. Once the slot is available, we will be in touch with you.
If you have a question (not listed above), please email us your question(s).