关于水果队About Say Go
  • 球队介绍Team Intro
  • 活动信息Activity Info
  • 管理组Management
  • 教练Coach
  • 成员们Rosters
  • 活动年历Calendar
  • 常见问题FAQ

    MELODY 水果队(以下简称“水果队”)于 2014 年 4 月 26 日以全新的面貌示人。球队定位:为喜欢篮球并且有一定篮球基础(有打全场经历的女篮爱好者)提供的打球平台,是一支专由俱乐部内部成员或新人参与即兴篮球全场5打5的球队。该球队在俱乐部中起到连接各球队并为内部成员提供互相交流机会作用,同时也为初识俱乐部的新人打球提供平台。另外,也欢迎在上海常驻、来上海出差、游玩的女篮爱好者参与。


    MELODY Say Go (Say Go) was established on April 26, 2014 under a new system. This team’s mission is to provide a platform for female ballers with past playing experience/basketball fundamental skills (previous full court playing experience) to gather and play full court pick up 5v5 basketball. This is also a platform for the other MELODY teams’ members (Elves and Moonie) to participate in pick up games in addition to their usual training sessions. The basketball sessions of this team is an opportunity for players for all the teams to play together and those who are new to MELODY to play. In addition, we also welcome female ballers who live in Shanghai, travel to Shanghai for business or leisure to come join us.

    Participants should fall under the following categories: Keen to join one of the MELODY teams (currently referring to Elves or Moonie); currently due to work/family/personal commitments are not able to commit to weekly trainings of the Elves or Moonie teams or only staying in Shanghai for a short period of time (less than a year). If your circumstance has changed and would like to transfer to another team (whether or not you are accepted by the team you would like to apply for will be decided by the management team of that team). Members who are also training in either the Elves or Moonie team are welcomed to join the basketball sessions in Say Go (but one is not allowed to join all three teams’ activities/training). 


报名的小伙伴分三组打球,按时间换组(10分钟一场, 赢的球队休息换第三组和输的队伍打。连续打两场的队伍休息)。具体安排最终由负责人当场协调。



报名方式 :
报名费 :
曾参加过精灵队/月亮队/蜂后队/水果队队员: 50元/人/次
郑钗 Virginia (Vee)
手机:1381 720 3586

Activity Details:

Time: Every Saturday, 13:00-15:00
Venue: In an indoor court in the city
Session’s Content:
Two hours full court pick up game
Participants will be divided into 3 teams. Playing arrangement will be by time (10 minutes per set, the winning team rests while the third team will play the losing team; the team who has played two consecutive sets will rest). Exact arrangement will be coordinated by the on-site volunteer.

Registration Requirements:
Female ballers (at least 16 years old; please speak to the organizer if you are under 16)
Have previous experience playing full court (or super keen to have full court play opportunity)

Sign up and cancellation policy:
Due to the special format of this team, the management team will confirm in the evening of Wednesday of the week of activity whether the session is on or not. It will be organized if we have at least 15 confirmed participants, otherwise it will be canceled. Every session allows 18 participants which is based on a first come first serve policy. Sign up time ends once slots are full. If you have signed up and paid for a session before the sign up time deadline and do not show up, the fee paid will not be refunded. If there is a special situation (unforeseen emergencies), the decision whether to refund the fee or not will be in discretion of the management team. 

Sign up method:
Sign up with the management team members via wechat in the group as per the deadline set in the group.

Current MELODY Elves/Moonie/Queenbee Team Members: 45rmb/person/time
Former MELODY Elves/Moonie/Queenbee/Say Go Team Members: 40rmb/person/time
MELODY Potential New Members/Non-MELODY Members/First Timers: 50rmb/person/time

Sign up info:
Virginia Chai ZHENG (Vee)
Mobile:1381 720 3586
WeChat: virginia_zheng


Under Construction...


Under Construction...


Under Construction...

建设中...Under contruction...

问/Q:申请参加水果队有什么要求?What are the requirements to join a Say Go activity?
答/A:想申请参加水果队的活动一般需要有全场打球经验的。One needs to have previous full court playing experience to join a Say Go activity.
问/Q:我没有全场打球经验,但实际上我是想加入月亮队。因为申请加入月亮队之前需要先加入俱乐部,而加入俱乐部的条件是参加3次水果队的活动。请问这个情况怎么办?I do not have previous full court playing experience, but actually I am hoping to join MELODY Moonie. Since it is required to join 3 Say Go activities before I am eligible to join the club, what should I do in this case?
答/A:我们会建议你在申请加入俱乐部的申请时注明你的情况。我们会按照你的申请信息再给予相应的答复。We advise that you mention your situation in your application when applying. We will get back to you in more details in our reply.

问/Q:短期在上海的人可以参加水果队的活动吗?Can I still join a Say Go activity if I am only in Shanghai for a short period of time?

问/Q:我在参加之前想先看看打球模式和情况可以吗?I would like to see the playing format and level prior to joining a Say Go session, is it possible?
答/A:可以的,但请提前联系我们(因为不是每次活动都肯定组织,我们不希望你白跑一趟)。Yes, but please contact us before coming (as not all scheduled sessions are organized, we do not want you to come for a session that has been cancelled).

问/Q:我刚到上海,在网上搜索了打球地址,但怕找不到,能否先在上海地铁1号线莲花路站先和组织者碰头一起过去?I just arrived in Shanghai. After searching for the venue details, I am worried that I will not be able to find the place. Is it possible to meet up with the organizer at Shanghai Subway Line 1 Lian Hua Road station first?
答/A:可以的,但请提前联系我们。Yes, but please contact us beforehand.

问/Q:请问水果队的活动有教练带吗?Is there a coaching leading the Say Go activity?
答/A:没有的,因为水果队的活动性质是即兴篮球所以是一个大家打全场篮球的平台,并非像精灵队或者月亮队的球队。There is no coach because Say Go activities are pick-up full court 5v5 basketball, a platform for us to play only; unlike the other MELODY teams.

问/Q:请问水果队会组织和其他队伍比赛吗?Will there be games organized for Say Go against other teams?
答/A:没有的,因为水果队的打球活动每次参加的人都不一样而且也不要求参加的人出席每次活动,所以不会安排对外比赛。 We do not organize friendly games with other teams for Say Go as the participants playing at Say Go activities are different every time, and there is no requirement for attendance; so we do not organize external games.

If you have a question (not listed above), please email us your question(s).