  • 定义Definition
  • 类别Types
  • 入会要求Entry Req.
  • 入会程序Entry Process
  • 亲友团权益Privileges

Supporters of MELODY are individuals who would like to get involved in the club or any of the teams, but do not play or train in the team or club’s activities or trainings. She or he is someone who has passion for basketball and would like to support MELODY by volunteering her/his time to the club or the teams. She or he could also be someone who is interested to get involved in grassroots women's basketball. They are usually family members or good friends of MELODY members or any individual who wants to join our big family.

  1. 摄影师_Photographer
  2. 摄像师_Videographer
  3. 比赛裁判团队_Game Officials
  4. 写作_Writer
  5. 教练_Coach
  6. 俱乐部大使_MELODY Ambassador
  7. 活动组织协调_Event Coordinator
  8. 行政协调_Admin Coordinator
  9. 校园大使_University/College Ambassador
  10. 媒体大使_Media Ambassador
  11. 翻译、口译_Translator/Interpreter
  12. 市场团队_Marketing Team
  13. 设计师_Designer

1. 申请时满18周岁. 18 years old on the date of application.

2. 对篮球有基本了解或者非常喜欢这项团体运动. Have basic basketball knowledge or have passion for this team sport.

3. 接受并且遵守MELODY的篮球文化 (友情第一, 打球/比赛第二). Accept and adhere to MELODY's basketball culture (Friendship first, competition second).

4. 靠谱忠诚. Reliable and committed.

5. 能准时到达或者交出工作. Able to arrive on time or submit tasks.

最终是否会通过申请由俱乐部管理层决定,最终解释权归俱乐部管理层所有。The Club Management Team reserves the rights to decide whether a candidate's application is approved to join the supporters team or not.

1. 填写亲友团申请表; Complete the application form for supporters;

2. 通过邮件向MELODY(具体邮箱请在“联系我们”查看)发送申请表申请加入亲友团; Send the application form via email to MELODY (For the email address, please go to the "Contact Us" page) to apply to be a supporter (在邮件中请注明申请职位; Please note the position you are looking to apply)

3. 会籍顾问将在一周内确认申请; Our Membership Consultant will confirm receipt within one week;

4. 所有申请者将有三个月的试合作期, 通过了试合作期才能正式成为亲友团的一员; Each applicant needs to go through a probation period of three months before she/he becomes an official supporter.

1. 第一时间了解到俱乐部的相关活动信息和资料; Be informed by the club's news and activities' information;

2. 如俱乐部组织篮球或相关活动优先被邀请参加; Be given the priority to get invited to get involved in the club's basketball or other activities;

3. 参加仅限俱乐部会员能参加的活动(例如:和其他体育组织合作或者被邀请的活动); Be invited to members-only events (Eg. events organized by MELODY and other organizations);

4. 成为全国第一和最早成立的业余女子篮球俱乐部的支持者之一; Be a supporter of the first and oldest amateur women's basketball club;

5. 拿到俱乐部的T恤一件、卫衣一件、长裤一条; Receive one MELODY T-shirt, one hoodie and one pants;

6. 遇到志同道合的伙伴们; Meet other members who share the same interest;

7. 成为草根女子篮球发展的团队的一员; Be part of the team to develop grassroots women's basketball.