来源: 发布日期:2015.06.11
Family Beijing Women’s Basketball Club (Family) was founded by CassieHang on the 1st of May in 2014. Family hopes to attract more femaleballers and organize a “Women’s Streetball Tournament" in the future.Family also looks to create a better environment for women who love to play basketballthrough this platform. Family is an organized club, and hopes that every memberwho joins the family will improve herself.
Let’s learn about Family throughthe management team!
杭钇涵Cassie是在初中时候开始接触篮球的,那时候她就深深地爱上了这项运动。2012年时,Cassie萌生了成立了女子篮球俱乐部的想法,后来因为到英国念书,接触到更多的篮球组织形式,回国后受到北京CL街球战队组织的“日落东单”活动的启发,最终在2014年将成立女篮平台的想法落实。Cassie 想把北京热爱篮球的女孩子集结到一起,营造更多更好的篮球环境,更多的队友、更多的场地选择、有更多提升技战术和切磋球技的机会。
Cassie Hang started playing basketball in middle school, and that waswhen she fell in love with this team sport. Cassie had the idea of creating aclub in 2012. Later on due to her study abroad experience in the UK, Cassie hadthe opportunity to be exposed to the various structures of organizing this teamsport. When she returned to China after her studies, inspired by Beijing CLStreetball’s activities, she started Family Women’s Basketball Club in 2014.Cassie wants to gather the female basketball enthusiasts in Beijing togetherand create a better playing environment, providing more options for venues, andhave more team mates to play this game. Hopefully with these in place, everyonegets to improve their basketball skills and have the opportunities to interactwith other teams and clubs.
Sun has been “chilling” in the Beijing women’s basketball scene foryears, thus she’s very well connected in the amateur women’s basketball scene.Yue Wen has been in charge of contacting and cooordinating friendly games withmany university women’s basketball teams in Beijing for Family. She ensuresthat the team has a friendly game every weekend with another women’s team, andmakes sure these games complements the team’s weekly training, improving theoverall team’s level.
Yin Yue is Family’s coach. She has beenplaying basketball since young and has been physically active in sports sincethen. During this period, she participated in several games andtournaments in Beijing and gained experience as a player and coach. Because ofthis she is in charge of the team’s training for the fundamental skills andteam plays.
这是Family的“外联部长”何丹丹,负责球队的新人招募和对外联络。她与篮球结缘是高中时期看节目时被一个气场强大的男人吸引,后来才知道他就是被称为乔丹接班人的“小飞侠”--科比布莱恩特。虽然那时候的她因为种种原因未能真正地与篮球结缘,但每当遇到困难,科比曾说过的"Practice and repetition are the keys to success"总是激励着她不断前进。
He Dan Dan is responsible for recruiting new members and connectingwith organizations and individuals outside Family. She got to know basketballfrom watching a tv show which featured Kobe Bryant. She was attracted by Kobeand later found out who he was. She believes that Kobe’s words “Practice andrepetition are the keys to success” is a quote that motivates her to keepgoing.
In Family, Wang is knownby the nickname “Xiao Huang Ren”. The promotional video for Family’s firstanniversary was produced by her. She is also known to be the fast player in theteam through her typical quick moves on the court. She is Family’s well roundedand talented player, Wang Meng Qing!
In every club there isalways a leader! Yang Jiao Xuan is Family’s leader, mainly in charge of themanagement and strategic direction of the club.We can see from her shootingposture that she is a professional, and a shooter for sure!
Let’s learn more about Family!
Family has around 25 members, aged between 25 and 35 years old. Themajority of the members are working professionals. Out of the 25 members, 16 ofthe members participate in the club’s activities on a regular basis. Family hasmembers who received professional basketball training from an early age, butthey also have amateur players who have been playing basketball for a long timebecause of the love for this team sport.
Family每周组织2到3次篮球活动。夏天一般在室外安排活动,场地为工体篮球公园或对外经贸大学;冬天一般在室内安排活动,场地为望京竞时健身中心篮球馆。每周二为战术训练时间,周四为战术和队内对抗。周末一般为比赛日,与北京市各大高校女篮或业余女篮进行友谊赛。比起大部分国内的业余女子篮球组织,Family的活动次数算是比较高的哦~ 因为平时会与其他女队交流比赛,Family安排了尹悦和孙月文作为俱乐部的教练团队带领球队的训练。
Family organizes 2 to 3 basketball activities per week. The clubusually organizes activities outdoor during the summer at Beijing Worker’sBasketball Park or at the basketball court in the University of InternationalBusiness and Economics. During the winter, activities are usually held at theindoor basketball court in Wang Jing Sports Fitness Center. The club trainsevery Tuesday and Thursday. The weekend is usually arranged for games withother teams. Family organizes activities more frequently per week compared tomost of the country's amateur women's basketball clubs! Due to the highfrequency of arranging friendly matches with other clubs or teams, Family hasarranged Yin Yue and Sun Yue Wen to be in charge of leading the club’straining.
Family成立后也参与了一些女篮赛事,并取得不错的战绩。其中2014年6月的姚记3v3,Family Fighter代表队获得冠军;2014年10月工体篮球公园积分挑战赛中,Family两支代表队包揽冠亚军。
After Family was founded, the club took part in various tournamentsand won many games. At one of the 3v3 tournaments in June, 2014, Family Fighterwon the championship in the tournament. Two of the Family’s teams also won thefirst and second places at the basketball tournament in October 2014.
Family is not just a basketball club, but also a big family herself,which often organizes social activities.
Family’s first anniversary
Since April 2015, Family has gone through a re-structuring of the club,from the club’s structure, to the management of the members. The managementteam created a set of club’s rules and regulations, and re-organized how theclub is managed. Tasks needed to be done are re-arranged and delegated to everymember in the club. This change has made Family a real family.
May 1st, 2015, was Family’s first anniversary, and was aturning point for the club. To celebrate this special occasion, member QingQing has created a promotional video for Family.
Currently Family is organizing a weekly friendly game with auniversity team activity, which is playing a friendly match with a team everyweekend.
Family’s obstacles since the formation of the club
Like other amateur women’s basketball clubs, Family came acrossdifficulties since the club was formed. The first issue is time. As most of themembers are working professionals, occasionally there is a conflict of interestbetween the club’s activities and work commitments. This has affected theattendance level of the team’s activities. The second problem Family has toface is about discipline. Since the members have become accustomed tocommitting to the club with few constraints, it has been difficult for themanagement team to change the way things are in terms of attendance level, etc.
这是一个全球业余女子篮球组织管理团队都会遇到的问题。但不管是什么原因,没有任何约束的平台要持续走下去管理团队会非常辛苦。所以建议的解决方案就是吸引认真、真心热爱篮球并且想找长期和固定打球平台的女子篮球爱好者。只有打从心里想一直有地方打球的小伙伴们才会坚持和重视这件事。在此MELODY希望 Family能克服遇到的所有困难,继续前进!Go,Family!Go!(Family的标语)
This is a problem that every management team of amateur women’sbasketball club around the world will eventually face. No matter what thereason is, the management team of these organizations will have a hard timemanaging the club if there is no rules set. The advice for this problem is tofocus on attracting the female ballers who are serious about the game, have astrong passion for this team sport, and looking for a platform to play longterm. Only those who really seeks to find a platform to play will persist incommitting to the club and treat it as an important part of her daily life.MELODY wishes well to Family in overcoming any obstacles encountered, andcontinue to march forward! Go, Family, Go! (Family’s slogan)
Through this interview, Family hopes more and more people will payattention and promote amateur women’s basketball. As compared to amateur men’sbasketball, it takes a lot more for the female ballers to commit to this teamsport. After leaving school, we are occupied with our careers and love life,starting a family, educating the next generation, and taking care of ourparents. With all these commitments, a female baller needs to coordinateseveral things in order to appear on court; while in the past, we were able tojust show up and play.This has definitely caused several of us to stop playingor the need to leave basketball for a period of time. But we believe that thosewho really love the game will eventually come back!
Everyone is welcomed to be part of Family, but of course you need tobe female! You need to be passionate about basketball, willing to take part inthe team activities, respect and abide by the club’s culture, and attendtrainings and games. Or if you are looking to support the club’s managementteam, you are also welcomed to the family. Interested new members shouldcontact He Dan Dan, who is in charge of new members. There is no fee to joinFamily, and the costs of the club’s activities are shared among the members.Every member is asked to pay a fee from time to time to cover the costs, andeverything is recorded and managed by the club’s finance.
Based on the information shared, there are at least 8 amateur women’sbasketball organizations in Beijing. MELODY will continue to introduce each ofthem in this series of sharing. Compared to Shanghai it seems there are moreamateur women basketball clubs in Beijing!
MELODY is happy to have the opportunity to interview Family and isconnected to Family. Finding a group of friends who share the same passion is agreat feeling! Knowing that there are many other people out there who love thisgame, who persist on playing this team sport keeps us going forward. Althoughwe may not know why we keep on persisting, but we believe one of the reasonshas got to be “true love”.
官方网页及联系方式 Officialcontact information:
官方网页及联系方式Official contact information:
微博Sina Weibo:Family北京女子篮球俱乐部
负责对外联系人External Contact:
梁思倩Liang Si Qian(微信WeChat: l3tyoyo、微博Weibo: Jumper-5 、电话Mobile: 18601241091)
负责新人联系人Membership Contact:
何丹丹He Dan Dan(微信WeChat: hedandan0522、微博Weibo: 河马河马河马河马河马河马、电话Mobile: 18201029522)