来源: 发布日期:2015.08.09
Thereis no airport in Suzhou? Are you kidding me! It’s all right, because there areamateur women’s basketball clubs in Suzhou where we can play this game!
Mètswas established on June 22nd, 2011. Like most of the amateur clubs in thecountry, Mèts did not have a name then. To learn about Mèts’ story and“history”, let’s start from its management team.
林枫Lin Feng
姓名Full Name:林枫(小枫子)LinFeng
打球位置Position:小前锋(Small Forward)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:9(喜欢帕克和隆多,希望与俱乐部小伙伴长长久久的打下去ing)
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:让篮球在空中划出最美的弧线,世界就此安静。
Asthe current group leader and club’s manager, Lin “met” up with Mèts in 2012.With her perseverance to continue playing basketball, she joined this club inher first week after arriving in Suzhou. When she thought about being able toplay with a group of female ballers before the first time she played in Mèts,she was so excited that she couldn’t sleep for two straight days. She felt thatthis would only be understood by those who are real basketball lovers. Assomeone who is new to the city coming from another province, Mèts has given herlots of warmth and support throughout these years. She still remembers thefirst time she joined a basketball activity with the Mèts members. They haddinner together after the session and jokes made by Wang Xiao Qing madeeveryone laughed. Through this relaxed atmosphere, she got closer to everyonein the club. After that she learnt basketball fundamentals with help and encouragementfrom her team mates, which includes doing a proper lay-up. Slowly herbasketball skills improved and her love for this platform continues to groweach day ever since. Currently she is Mèts’ manager and is happy to see thegrowth of the club. She is especially honored to get to know the members in theclub. Lin is an optimistic person, loves life and enjoys playing basketball.She hopes that Mèts will be known as a club that promote Happy Basketball, andlooks forward to meeting more female ballers who enjoy this game!
王晓庆(猫仔)Wang Xiao Qing
姓名Full Name:王晓庆(猫仔)WangXiao Qing
比赛服号码Jersey No.:6
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:老当益壮~
Asthe oldest member in Mèts, Wang, considered as Mèts’ soul, is responsible fortaking care of all matters in the club with Lin. Wang only started basketballin university, so she trained hard for this game. Upon graduation, in order tocontinue playing basketball; she has been looking for a platform to play,slowly gathering female ballers in the city. That was when she met Mumu, whowas the creator of the QQ basketball group, Mèts’ predecessor. Wang has seenthe growth and development of the club ever since its very beginning. As theoldest member, she has always been playing the role of the “housekeeper”,making sure everything is going well in the club. She hopes everyone who joinsMèts enjoys her time in the club. Wang hopes that Mèts will not only be aplatform for female ballers to play this game, but also a place where its memberscan call a second home, especially for those whose homes are not in Suzhou!
冯宛君(漠然)Feng Wan Jun
姓名Full Name:冯宛君(漠然)FengWan Jun
打球位置Position:得分后卫(Shooting Guard)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:23
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:永不言弃…
漠然从初中就开始接触篮球,自我戏称总结属于头脑简单四肢发达类型,外号野蛮人。言简意赅的总结和她三分入网声音一样干脆利落。漠然和晚安主要负责俱乐部日常训练,是Mèts的技术担当。漠然的球技源于自己的苦练,每一次比赛都会收获一批粉丝,是俱乐部名副其实的MVP。打篮球可以带来快乐,但长期打球的人也有伤病的困扰,漠然也不例外。经常的一个场景是在训练或者比赛的时候,腿上髌骨弹出来,她再自己摁回去,起身然后再继续打。Never give up!她说她希望能一直坚持打球,直到猫仔存够钱给她买个高级轮椅……
Fengstarted playing basketball in middle school. She has a nickname called “Ye ManRen-translated to English-barbarian” as she thinks she is unsophisticated butvery athletic. Like her three point shots when the ball goes through the net,she is a straight forward person. Feng, along with Rong, are in charge of Mèts’training sessions. Her basketball skills were developed through her continuousdiligent training since she started playing basketball. After every game, shewould attract a new bunch of fans, and is known as Mèts’ MVP. Playingbasketball brings happiness, but playing long term brought injuries as well. Itis not an exception for her. It is quite common to see her old injury come backduring a basketball session or game, but she would make a quick fix andcontinue to play. Never give up! She said she hopes to continue playingbasketball, until Wang saves enough to get her a classy wheelchair...
荣慧(晚安)Rong Hui
姓名Full Name:荣慧(晚安)RongHui
打球位置Position:后卫(Point Guard)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:1 (罗斯的号码)
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:团结一致,Mèts,是我篮球的家,会好好珍惜这个家!
Rong,along with Feng are responsible for Mèts’ training sessions. She is a quietone, but a serious one; playing an important role in the management team.Basketball is a competitive sport, thus there is always a victory and a loss;but she believes that everyone should treat each and every game seriously, andrespect the opponents. This is something she has been trying to share withevery member in the club. She said that basketball is a team sport, so the teamshould play and win with team work. She says Mèts is her basketball family, andwill cherish this family.
魏娜(彩子)Wei Na
姓名Full Name:魏娜(彩子)WeiNa
打球位置Position:大前锋,中锋(Power Forward, Center)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:0 (来晚了,只有0可以选)
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:无姐妹不篮球,谁说女子不如男!
Weistarted playing basketball since she was thirteen with boys, and was never in aschool team. She knew about Mèts a long time ago, but was away from thisplatform due to a family commitment (Wei is a mom!). Now she is back in Mèts,and is in charge of the club’s sponsorship and communication with other teamsand organizations for friendly games. She takes the initiative to lead anyprojects about basketball, about Mèts or games; taking lead in supporting theclub’s matters. She said, “who says basketball is sisterhood, who says maleballers are better than female ballers, hot moms can do too!”
姓名Full Name:冯佩怡(墨墨/Andrea)FengPei Yi
打球位置Position:小前/分卫(Small Forward/Point Guard)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:33
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:篮球也要打得风情万种!
Andreaused to join the school’s athletics team, choir, orchestra, and dance troupe;thus she only joined the school’s basketball team in senior year in highschool, playing as small forward. After playing basketball (representing theschool team) for one season, she realized the great feelings she had from thisteam sport (the sense of accomplishment from winning a game with her teammates) cannot be replaceable with any other activities. Ever since then, shedevoted all her free time to basketball until university. Upon graduation, likemost of us, she stopped playing for years since she did not find a platform toplay (plus she has an old ankle injury). It was only in 2013 that she “met”Mèts, that she was able to rekindle her love for this team sport. She even metseveral friends who share the same passion as her. Andrea said Mèts is the teamthat brings her most joy (out of all the other teams she has joined). She hopesthe ladies in Mèts will continue to play happy basketball forever. As one ofthe management team members, she is in charge of Mèts’ WeChat account and thepromotion of the club. Andrea is happy to be part of the management team andcontribute to this platform that brings her fun and happiness!
姓名Full Name:杨永康(我是谁/Kang)YangYong Kang
打球位置Position:小前(Small Forward)
比赛服号码Jersey No.:21(KG最开始的号码)
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:能遇见就好~
Kanglikes basketball since a long time ago, but since there were not many femaleballers around her; so she used to watch people play more than play the gameherself. Getting to know Mèts was a pleasant surprise for her, as there are somany female ballers in this platform. She said that due to her lack ofexperience in playing this team sport, she trains hard to show her respect forthis game. She felt lucky to be able to start playing in Mèts. Kang is incharge of Mèts’ promotion and hopes more and more people will get to know Mèts,and join this big family.
Mèts VS 西交利物浦友谊赛合照 Mèts VS Xi’AnJiaotong-Liverpool University Women’s Basketball Team Friendly Match
Tolearn more about Mèts’ “history”, after getting to know the management team,let’s dig deeper and get acquainted with this club. Mèts’ management teammember Wang graduated from university in Suzhou in 2003, and upon graduationshe decided to stay and work in Suzhou. In 2004, along with her sister, shestarted looking for female ballers in the city. At that time, the internet wasnot as advanced, so most of the basketball friends met were introduced throughcurrent friends who were already within her basketball network of friends. Shehas posted in the forum in Tian Ya, and gathered some friends, but most of thetime it was difficult to gather even six people to play. It was tough, but in2009, things started to improve. Wang and her sister found a fixed venue toplay (with a fee), and as long as they pre-booked in advance, the court wastheirs. The number of participants slowly increased to around ten people eachtime. At that time the venue booking and coordinating of the activities(including contacting the participants) were all done by Wang. This continuedfor a while...
Mèts VS 苏州园区外包学院 Mèts VS SISO
AsWang’s QQ had some problems, she was not able to create a group in QQ.Eventually in 2011, Mumu (full name Li Lan Ni, who left Suzhou in 2012 to workin another province; the creator of Mèts’ predecessor’s platform) created theQQ group “Suzhou Women’s Basketball” (the current Mèts’s group), Wang being theadministrator. They would organize one activity per week, but as work got busy,Wang and Mumu did not plan to expand and develop the group. These few years,the number of members in the group grew slowly, and as most of the members havereached the age of settling down (starting a family, etc), the number ofmembers coming to play became fewer and fewer each time. After participating inthe 4v4 basketball tournament organized by Nanjing WILD Women’s BasketballClub, upon seeing their active promotion of the club, Mèts started promotingitself again in January, 2015; hoping to attract new members to the club.
Mèts VS无锡二泉女篮 Mèts VS Wuxi Er QuanWomen’s Basketball Club
MELODYhas interviewed a few amateur women’s basketball clubs, and has mentioned“Mèts” several times in this article; but we never really learn about how eachclub got to choose its name. Let’s learn about how Mèts chose this as theirclub’s name! When Mèts started promoting the club, the club decided to giveitself a name. After brainstorming, they decided to name the club “Mèts”. “Met”is the past tense of meet, and making it plural by adding an “s” plus an accentled to the name “Mèts”.
Mèts 之 2014南京野盟“战神在野4V4” Mèts @ 4v4 Tournament organized byNanjing WILD Women's Basketball Club in 2014
Mostof the members in the club are from other provinces in China (with a smallnumber from abroad), with the age gap becoming bigger and bigger with new,young blood joining the family. Mèts members are working professionals,students, and moms; they work in various industries, and everyone’s basketballlevels are not the same...due to these factors, they decided to name the club“Mèts” because everyone came and met in Mèts because of one reason, the love ofbasketball. Through meeting in this platform, members were strangers, to teammates, and eventually to long life friends, and finally family members.
Mèts 之 2015南京野盟“战神在野4V4” Mèts @ 4v4 Tournament organized byNanjing WILD Women's Basketball Club in 2015
Mèts 之 2015中国三对三篮球联赛 Mèts @ China 3v3 Basketball in 2015
Mèts’aim: HappyBasketball is the only thing that matters!
Mèts 之 2015中国三对三篮球联赛(OMG分队) Mèts (Team OMG) @China 3v3 Basketball in 2015
Mèts的口号:We are Mèts,We are 伐木累(Family)!
Mèts’slogan: Weare Mèts,We are 伐木累 (Family)!
Mèts 之 2015中国三对三篮球联赛华东决赛(OMG分队)Mèts (Team OMG) @ China3v3 Basketball Finals in 2015
Mèts’mission: Mètshopes to not only provide a platform to play basketball, but also a place wherefemale ballers coming from around the globe can call a second home. From havinga team mate, to having a friend and eventually a family member, taking care ofone another.
Mèts 之外赛 Mèts @ a game
Mèts 之日常 Mèts @ regular session
Asan amateur basketball club; whether it is during the regular basketballactivities or competitions, members gather together for the love of this game.Most did not have a professional training opportunity, but has been playing andimproving her skills through the years of playing at the amateur level. Mèts’members play basketball for the love of this team sport, and do not focus onthe result of the game, or divide the members into groups based on theirplaying levels. Mèts emphasizes on playing basketball for fun, and hopes thatit will be known for this...
Mèts 之玩 Mèts @ social
Mèts 之玩 Mèts @ social
Mèts 之玩 Mèts @ social
Mèts之玩 Mèts @ social
Withmore than 100 members in the club now, every week’s basketball activityattracts around twelve members. To join Mèts, one needs to add the club’s QQgroup. Mèts’ management will get in touch to follow up the next steps. Theprerequisite to join is of course one needs to be female! Other than that youneed to have passion for this team sport. There is no requirement to haveprevious playing experience as one can learn after joining Mèts. There is nofee to join, as the fee incurred every time is shared among all participants.Mèts’ activity is every Sunday night from 5pm to 9pm in an indoor basketballcourt. There is a session for training the fundamentals and playing time after.
Mèts 之聚 Mèts @ dinner
Mèts 之逗比 Mèts @ fun
Mèts 之逗比 Mèts @ fun
Mèts合照 Mèts @ group photo
随着这段时间的宣传,Mèts因参加了5月底在南京由南京野联所主办的4对4篮球比赛出线,有幸出战中国三对三篮球联赛于南京举行的华东区决赛。此次比赛的相关费用是由常州净暖堂Kinetico所赞助。常州净暖堂Kinetico表示愿意带冠名性质的赞助Mèts这次比赛相关费用。我们作为业余女子篮球的一员从现在开始也支持常州净暖堂Kinetico~ Yay~期待更多企业赞助和支持业余女子篮球~在未来业余女子篮球的发展过程中肯定少不了企业的支持和赞助,在此鼓励国内各地的业余女子篮球主动联系企业来支持组织的发展。至于如何找到合适的赞助,就请大家像苏州女子篮球-Mèts的团队请教咯!
Throughthese past months of promotion, and participating the 4v4 basketball tournamentorganized by Nanjing WILD Women’s Basketball Club end of May, Mèts was lucky toget the opportunity to take part in the Eastern China district basketball 3v3tournament held in Nanjing organized by the local basketball association. Thefees incurred from this trip was fully sponsored by Changzhou’s Kinetico. Aspart of the amateur women’s basketball family, we will support ChangzhouKinetico from now on~ Yay~ We look forward to seeing more and more corporationssponsoring amateur women’s basketball clubs~ In the future developments ofamateur women’s basketball, we will need the support and sponsors ofcorporations. Every amateur women’s basketball club is encouraged to take theinitiative to get sponsors for the development of the club. As to how we cansuccessfully get a sponsor, you will need to ask Mèts for the details!
Otherthan the regular basketball activity, Mèts also plays friendly games (3v3, 4v4and full court) with other teams and clubs; which include SISO, Xi’AnJiaotong-Liverpool University Women’s Team, Suzhou University Women’s Team, andother amateur women’s basketball clubs.
Mèts VS 上海MELODY月亮队 Mèts VS MELODY Shanghai Women’s BasketballClub - Moonie
ForMèts, this year may be a key year for the development, and a turning point forthe club. Mèts believes that as time goes by, with the continual support fromits management team and members; Mèts will become a mature amateur women’sbasketball club! MELODY Moonie had the honor to play a friendly game in Suzhouwith Mèts, and we look forward to hosting Mèts in Shanghai for another friendlygame!
官方网页及联系方式Official contact information:
官方微博:http://weibo.com/szmets (@苏州Mets女子篮球俱乐部)
手机:+86 186 2509 9014
手机:+86 137 7190 9509