来源: 发布日期:2015.09.10
MELODY中国行女篮: 济南篇
MELODYWomen’s Basketball China Tour: Ji Nan
Just Girl(简称JG)女子篮球俱乐部成立于2012年8月28日。她是位于济南市,中国著名的泉城,也是山东省的省会都市。在去探索国内的业余女篮的同时,我们也有在学习中国地理不是么?:P
Just Girl (JG) Women's Basketball Club, established on August 28th, 2012, is the amateur women’s basketball club in Ji Nan, the Chinese City of Springs, and capital city of Shandong province. Now as we continue to learn about amateur women’s basketball in this country, we are also learning about Chinese geography, aren’t we? :p
自从JG在2012的夏天成立至今,JG已召集了超过150名女篮爱好者。这些小伙伴来自济南市、省内外全国各地的爱好者,年龄层在16至50岁不等,有学生也有上班族(当然也有已当了母亲的爱好者!)。虽然每周JG只召集十几位固定出席篮球活动的小伙伴,这些年来的发展JG经历了不少困难才到现在的状态。她们的名字Just Girl就解释了一切。这是专属给爱打球的女孩们一个打球的平台、一个可以放开打球的地方、一个我们可以做自己的平台。因为我们都知道,在现实的生活里,我们都会有约束做“另一个自己”。。。
Since the formation of the club in the summer of 2012, JG has gathered over 150 female ballers from within the province and around the nation aged between 16 and 50 years old of students and working professionals, (and moms of course!) to play every week. Though only more than ten members are weekly regulars, JG has been through a lot of tough times before being where they are now. The reason why they call their club Just Girl explains it all. This is a platform just for female ballers, where we can play wholeheartedly, where we can be our true selves. As we all know, in real life, most of the times, we are constrained to be our “other self”...
JG was started by Chai Chai, Sam Dong and Cassie Wang. Let’s get to know the management team!
创办者之一 One of the Founders
姓名Full Name: 柴柴 Chai Chai
打球位置Position: 控球后卫 PG
身高Height: 165cm
比赛服号码Jersey No.: 1
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto: 无篮球,不兄弟
小学四年级开始接触到篮球的柴柴,初三的时候才第一次参加正式的比赛。到了高中,她组建了Free Style 女子篮球社。大学去了德州学院,先后加入了大学里的系队和校队,并且在毕业后因一时没有球打了,很不适应。她想如果能把喜欢打球的人凑到一起,每周都一起打球,也是一件很棒的事情。就于2012年组建了JUST GIRL。不知不觉中篮球一直陪伴她至今已有14年的光景了。她深知自己有多么的热爱篮球,离不开她。JG从最初的几个人一步步成长到今天。这期间她也有过失落、有过迷茫,但更多的是开心与快乐,通过这个平台她结识了更多喜欢篮球的朋友,即使毕业她也不会担心自己没有球打,如今的她们亲如一家,不仅仅是一起打球,她们渐渐都都变成了彼此最好的朋友。
Chai has been playing basketball since she was in grade four until now, and had her first experience in a formal basketball game in her middle school years. In high school, along with her team mates, she formed Free Style girls’ basketball club. When it was time for her to leave for college, she left for Dezhou University in Dezhou, Shandong; and was part of her school and university basketball teams. Upon graduation like many of us, she could not find a platform to play and thus decided to form Just Girl. It has been 14 years since she started playing basketball. She knows how much it means to her as it has become part of her life. JG started with only a few members and slowly grew to where it is now. She went through periods of feeling disappointed and lost, but most of the time she was happy. Through this platform she has met several friends who also enjoy this sport. She is glad that despite having graduated from school, she still has a platform to play. Now everyone in JG is part of a big family, as not only do they gather together for basketball and socials, they have become real good friends off the court.
创办者之一,与柴柴在高中时就一起创办球队 Oneof the Founders
姓名Full Name: 董六 Sam
打球位置Position: 小前锋 SF
身高Height: 170cm
比赛服号码Jersey No.: 6
篮球座右Basketball Motto: Basketball makes our lives different!
小时候就对篮球有一颗莫名喜欢的心。小学初中的时候,Sam一直跟着班级里的男生一起打篮球。直到上了高中,有几个热爱篮球的学姐到她的班里寻找会打篮球的女生时,她毫不犹豫的加入了这个团体;并和她们共同组建了Free Style女子篮球社。经历过组建社团、招纳新社员、为社团运行拉赞助,她们因为篮球结下了不解之缘,成了“铁哥们”。后来又加入了自己的JUST GIRL。大学毕业后她们为了各自的工作学习奔波,但每逢周末都会参加JUST GIRL组织的活动。随着活动的增多,这个女子篮球团体也不断壮大,越来越多热爱篮球的人聚在一起,慢慢的,大家成了好朋友,成了一家人!是篮球让Sam的生活充满阳光,是篮球让这么多热爱篮球的人儿相遇相知,是篮球让我们的生活大不一样!魅力篮球,精彩生活!
Sam has been a fan of basketball since young. During her elementary and middle school years, Sam has been playing basketball with the boys in her class. It was only when she was high school that a few of her seniors came to her class looking for girls who are looking to play basketball that she resumed playing. With her seniors, she formed the girls’ basketball club Free Style. She went through the formation of the club, recruitment for new members and seeking sponsorship for the club. Through this experience she became really close friends with her seniors, and eventually started Just Girl upon graduation. Though everyone is busy with work and life commitments, they never forget to gather every week to play basketball together. With the development of the club, JG organizes more and more activities which gather an increasing number of female ballers to play in JG. Everyone becomes a part of this family. Basketball gives her light in her life, basketball brings everyone who loves this game to gather at the same place, and it is basketball that makes a difference in life!
创办者之一,与柴柴在高中时就一起创办球队One ofthe Founders
姓名Full Name: 王紫竹Cassie
打球位置Position: 控球后卫 PG
身高Height: 170cm
比赛服号码Jersey No.: 24
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto: No “brothers”,no basketball!
天生就喜欢各种圆形、各种球类,小学的时候,每当体育课,Cassie就跑去跟班里男生一起打篮球。初中时荒废了三年,但是这并不影响Cassie对篮球的热爱。上高中时,学校有一年一度的篮球比赛,但当Cassie了解到并没有女生的比赛时十分失望与不甘。也就是在这个时候得知,学姐们已经努力争取到了女子篮球比赛的机会!她毫不犹豫的报了名,并因此收获了来之不易的"铁哥们"般的友谊,并和她们共同商讨申请,以及组建了Free Style女子篮球社。为了同一个梦想努力着,无兄弟不篮球!!后来又加入了自己的JUST GIRL。是篮球让我们走在了一起,是篮球让我们彼此了解,是篮球让我们生活充满阳光。Cassie对篮球不离不弃!为了我们共同的爱好,奋斗下去!Fighting!!!
Cassie said that she was born to enjoy ball sports, thus since elementary school; she would play basketball with the boys in her class. Though she stopped playing for three years in middle school, it did not affect the love she has for this team sport. When she was in high school, there was an annual basketball tournament; and when she found out that there was none for girls, she was very disappointed. However she was glad to hear that her seniors worked hard to get the opportunity to play in the tournament! She joined the team without hesitation and made real friendships with her team mates. She went through the application process with them and was part of the organizing committee for the girls’ basketball club, Free Style. They were working towards the same dream, no “brothers”, no basketball!! Upon leaving the student life, she join JG and is one of the founders. It is basketball that brought them together, and it is basketball that gave them a chance to get to know one another, and of course it is basketball which brought light to their lives! For the same passion, they will persevere! Fighting!!!
李京 Li Jing
组织者之一,组织群内活动Management Team: One of the Organizers
姓名Full Name:李京 Li Jing
位置Position:小前锋 SF
左右铭Basketball Motto:开心就好~
Three years ago she came across a post online titled “women’s basketball”, and out of curiosity Li clicked in to see the contents. Though she was a beginner in basketball, she was fond of this team sport; and felt that ballers seem to stand out from the crowd. Although Li is still new to basketball, she is passionate about this game; and that was why she joined JG. She feels that they are a group of basketball enthusiasts who would gather every weekend to play basketball and forget about the unhappiness during playing time. She loves life and loves basketball, and of course she loves her friends!!!
大嘴猴 Big Mouth Monkey
组织者之一,组织群内活动Management Team: One of the Organizers
姓名Full Name:大嘴猴 Big Mouth Monkey
打球位置Position:中锋 C
比赛服号码Jersey No.:33
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:快乐打球,我心永恒
大嘴猴从来就不是一个安静的孩子,喜欢蹦蹦跳跳。初中的时候,在体育课上和同学们相互追逐的打篮球,没有规则,没有技术。但是很开心。长大后,一直都很喜欢篮球运动。在2013年一次偶然的机会,加入了JG这个大家庭。里面的姐妹都深爱着篮球,而她们也因为篮球成为了好朋友。大家带着她打球,教会她投篮、防守及很多篮球知识。她们互相切磋,时间久了还打出了不错的默契。我们都爱篮球,都爱我们这个大家庭!JUST GIRL LOVES BASKETBALL FOREVER!!!
Big Mouth Monkey has never been a quiet child, as she has always enjoy being active. During her middle school years, she played basketball with her classmates during P.E. Class; without much rules, or much experience in playing this game; but she was very happy. Even until now, she still loves this team sport. In 2013 she got to know JG by chance and joined this big family. JG has taught her to shoot, defend and many other basketball skills and knowledge. They help one another out on the court and eventually there was team rapport and team work. We all love basketball, love this big family! JUST GIRL LOVES BASKETBALL FOREVER!!!
三分王,经历断腿依然热爱篮球,忠于组织。ManagementTeam: One of the Organizers
姓名Full Name:苗琪 Mike
打球位置Position:得分后卫 SG
比赛服号码Jersey No.:5
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:越努力,越幸运
She learnt about a team sport in grade five, which requires the player to put the ball into the basket; and ever since then, she has been in love in basketball. Basketball has been her companion during her school years. The feeling she has whenever she makes a shot, feels great; and it is hard to explain why she loves this sport. In the winter of 2012, she joined JG, a group of female ballers who love this game. Like everyone in JG, she loves basketball and because of this common passion, they have become very close friends and team mates. As time goes by, they have built that team work which we all enjoy when we play this game. We must keep playing basketball until we are in our 80s, I love this big family and basketball. Basketball is a great sport!!!
技术担当,球队年长者,且帮助大家提高技术ManagementTeam: Trainer
姓名Full Name:李媛媛 Kelly
打球位置Position:中锋 C
比赛服号码Jersey No:11
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:篮球不是一项个人运动!
从会走路时就开始看着爸爸打篮球赛,接触的第一项运动是拍球,看懂的第一场比赛是篮球赛,从那时起就与篮球结下了不解之缘~上学后开始参加系统训练,在篮球场上,累哭过,摔倒过。篮球不是她的专业,却一直没离开过她,直到结婚生女。一个偶然的机会,认识了现在这群小伙伴,不一样的成长经历却有着共同的爱好,每周一次的篮球场是她们最期待的约会,一起打球,一起切磋,是她们最享受的时刻~ “刷~”喜欢听篮球进筐的声音,“漂亮~” 喜欢听队友互相鼓励的话语……BASKETBALL, ILOVE YOU FOREVER,MY LOVELY BUDDIES,WE ARE TOGETHER FOREVER~
Since she was able to walk, she has been watching her father watch basketball; thus the first sport she experienced as a child was bouncing balls. The first sports game she understood was basketball, and ever since then she has created a love bond with this team sport. When she started school she commenced training for this sport. She has cried due to fatigue and fell down on the court several times; but it did not stop her from continuing to play this game. Basketball was not her major, but she has never left her; until she got married and became a mom. One day by accident she got to know JG. Though every one’s basketball experience and path was different, they all have the same passion. The weekly basketball session has become their weekly “date” to play basketball and enjoy the moments of what this sport brings. “Whoosh!!!” She loves hearing that sound! “Nice shot!” She loves to hear the support and cheering from her team mates...BASKETBALL, I LOVE YOU FOREVER,MY LOVELY BUDDIES,WE ARE TOGETHER FOREVER~
技术担当,队内技术最优秀者Management Team: Trainer
姓名Full Name:猴子 Oscar
比赛服号码Jersey No.:7
篮球座右铭Basketball Motto:篮球就是我的信仰。
12岁开始知道和了解了篮球,那是1998年公牛与爵士的总决赛,第一次看到乔丹打球,猴子就深深被这个人和这项运动给吸引了,到如今29岁,不知不觉的过去了17年,她对篮球的热爱依然不减退。JG这个大家庭想想算来她已经是骨灰级的球员了,无论年龄大小只要到了球场上,大家都会变成一群疯狂的孩子,尽情的享受着篮球带给大家的乐趣。I Love This Game.
She started getting to know this team sport when she was twelve. It was in 1998, when the Bulls and Jazz were in the finals. It was the first time she saw Jordan play, and the same time she was attracted to this legendary player and team sport. Now that she is 29 years old, with time passing by in a blink of an eye (17 years since then!!!), she still loves this team sport. Oscar is one of the oldest member in JG and regardless of the age of the member, everyone becomes a bunch of “crazy” kids on the court, to enjoy the fun that basketball brings. I Love This Game.
To join JG, one needs to add JG’s official QQ group and participate in at least one basketball activity within a month. There is no specific requirements for joining the club as JG welcomes anyone who loves this game. There is no fee to join JG and their weekly basketball activity is held every Saturday or Sunday at 5pm at the National Fitness Center.
如果你经历过和男生打球的经验,你会知道和身体不一样的人打球的不自在感。有时候不认真和你打球因为觉得你打得不够好或者害怕被打过。嗯,相信大部分的我们都有这样的经历。但同时,我们总会有可以互相学习的地方的;不管是打球的节奏和速度或者不停地创新这个团体运动的发展速度。不可否认的事实是男子篮球比女子篮球开始得早,并且发展得快。;) 但这不代表我们没有在努力地加快速度!
If you have been through the period of playing with our male counterparts, you would know how it feels like to have that discomfort of playing with someone who is physically different from you. Who, would some times not play seriously because either they feel you aren’t good enough or they would be embarrassed if you score against them. Yeah, most of us have been through that. But at the same time, there is always something to learn from one another; whether it’s about the speed or rhythm of the game, or the continuous innovation of this magical team sport. After all we have to accept the fact that men’s basketball did start first and develop much faster than women’s basketball. ;) But that doesn’t mean we aren’t working to speed up!
JG hopes that more and more female ballers will join the club, and that one day they will gather all female ballers who love this game to organize basketball tournaments. “JG hopes that more and more ladies in the nation would take off their high heels, pick up a basketball, and walk into a basketball court.” This sentence sends us a very powerful message! Though we know most female ballers probably don’t enjoy or usually wear high heels; this sentence is conveying the idea to encourage females to do sports. Real beauty comes within and nothing external can ever make up for that.
JG hopes to continue attracting female ballers, slowly work towards becoming clubs like MELODY and others; and hopes that every female baller in the country will be able to find a place to play wherever they go; and hopes that we can see female ballers in every basketball court out there!
The author also looks forward to returning to Shandong this November, where she spent over a year living as a student there and meet up with the JG gang.
官方网页及联系方式Official contactinformation:
官方新浪微博Official Sina Weibo:justgirl_济南女子篮球
官方联系方式QQ群Official QQ Group:141767469
官方优酷频道Official Youku Channel:http://i.youku.com/dazuihou512
负责对外联系的人相关信息Official Contact Person:柴柴Chai Chai
新浪微博Sina Weibo:小柴柴很迷茫