来源: 发布日期:2015.05.19
想念你们: Asoka, Marnie, Linxiyang, Andrew, Dalao, Xiaotong, Furao, Rongyu,Leopard, Peggy……
It has been four years since MELODY Moonie’sfirst training session on the 15th of May, 2011 at our old trainingvenue at Kenrong Sports Basketball in Minhang district. Today, 15thof May, 2015, we have moved our training venue to Shanghai University ofInternational Business and Economics in Changning district. Several things havechanged and happened the past four years. We thank every single team member whois and used to be part of this family, and we also thank everyone who has beensupporting us. We would like to share with everyone how a few of our membersfeel on this special occasion. What they have shared reflects who we are, andhow the team is like. But this does not represent every team member, as everyteam member is unique. Moonie is still here today thanks to everyone’s supportand love for the team. A BIG thank you to all past, current and future members!Let’s “add oil” together and let basketball give us more in life!
When I think about Moonie, at thebeginning, when I heard this name, I was not too excited about it. But then Iattended the first Moonie training at the indoor court on Lian Hua road. Istill remember it smelled like rubber. That training gathered a group of femaleballers (who do not know one another). There were players of all sizes, but no one looked strong. We played forfun for a bit that day. Now that I think back of that period, I felt that wewere really not that good. Even so I really enjoyed the experience and decidedto join. We stayed at that venue for about year, and for some reasons severalpeople left. At one training session, we only had five players; so we could noteven play 3v3. Though there were only a few of us, we still had a lot of fun; Iguess it was because we all love basketball. I never thought about thepossibility of whether the team will go on separate ways (with so few players),because I thought that as long as I organize a few of the players to a court(which I haven’t been able to), as long as the team is still there, as long asthe team mates I like are still there, things will get better. And the otherreason is because everyone is so funny and they are great people to hang outwith. We often went out together for meals after the training sessions. Then wemoved to our second venue on Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,which was a turning point for the team as we had many more players. I felt thatthe team was starting to take form, and we started to win games and had teamplays. It was a great time for the team. This continued for 1-2 years. Afterthat many people left again. But at the same time we had new team mates, but wehad to start working on the team work and chemistry again. During this time Iwas busy with legal exams and thus had to miss training. After that I returnedto the team and played for two months, but had to stop playing for the timebeing because of a knee injury and work commitments.
Talking about how I felt about Moonie, Ithink that the relationship among team mates is very special. We got to knowone another because of basketball, and were strangers before. But ever since webecame team mates, we trained and played together, and slowly built that trustamong one another. I could rely on my team mates and pass the ball to them,though they may miss the shot; I will still pass the ball to them if there is agood opportunity, because they are my team mates. I haven’t played with theteam for a while, but I’m sure if I’m back to the team, I will get back to therhythm. It’s something that exists among team mates, and I have a few of thiskind of team mates in Moonie. I will continue to seek this feeling after Ireturn to the team. And to those of you are out there (no longer in Shanghai),you will always be my team mates, and next time when you girls are in town, let’sgo get hot pot together!
世界那么大,我想去看看。我是一名国际学校的学生,虽校园里的学习生活和课外活动已经榨干了我们的业余时间,但是还是没办法满足我们这个年纪对于可怕的精力。2014年年底,我在一次偶然的巧合下发现了MELODY这样一个俱乐部。刚刚打篮球不久的我对于篮球也有了一定的感情和基础,这样一个巧合也名正言顺地把我带进了MELODY Moonie的“姐姐队”里。从一开始超级紧张,不知道怎么开口,慢慢地和大家打成一片。每周一次的训练渐渐地变成了我的习惯,也是我释放这一周所堆积的压力的渠道。一开始觉得和姐姐在一起玩好酷炫也很新鲜,但是玩着玩着就觉得和大家都好玩的来。因为我是队里最小的,所以大家也都对我很照顾,特别是当球队在外比赛或者活动的时候,都有人带着我。点点滴滴的小细节都让人觉得自己是月亮队的一份子,也让大家都很愿意为球队尽自己最大的一份力。总而言之,和月亮队在一起很暖心也很开心。
The world is so big; I want to see theworld. I am an international school student with school work and extra-curricularactivities to commit. Although these have taken away most of my spare time, theyare not enough to satisfy my energy, which is very high for people my age. In2014, I came across MELODY by chance. Although I just started playingbasketball, I have the basics skills and passion for this team sport. Theinterest and passion for this game brought me in to join Moonie, which I see asthe “Big Sisters” basketball team. At the beginning when I first joined theteam, I was very nervous and shy. I didn’t know how to be around everyone; butslowly, I made friends with everyone and became part of the team. The weeklytraining has become part of my life, and is one of the ways to release thestresses in life after piling up for the week. I think it is cool to hang outwith the big sisters in the team, and as I hang out with them more often; Istarted to feel that everyone is fun and enjoyed being with everyone. As I amthe youngest in the team, everyone takes very good care of me; especially whenthe team goes out to play games or when we have social activities. All thelittle things that are happening in the team made me feel like I am a part ofthis family. This is why everyone is willing to contribute and play their partsas team members in this team. All in all, being part of Moonie makes me happyand gives me a warm feeling.
I started playing basketball in year 9 atsecondary school. I continued to play through university and then when Igraduated and moved abroad I stopped playing. I only started again in October 2014when I found MELODY. I had been looking for somewhere to play since I moved toChina the year before but I couldn’t find anywhere that wasn’t just pick-upgames. I was really excited to join MELODY and Virginia was very welcoming. Iplay with MELODY Moonie team, which is mainly made up of Chinese nationals, butthis doesn’t bother me. They are very friendly and supportive and they treat meequally. There is always someone to translate the coach’s words in English andI have also picked up a few Mandarin words associated with basketball. The teamhas a range of abilities, from beginners to those with a few years ofexperience. We train once a week for 2 hours and we focus on individual skillsand game practice. The best part of being in the team is the games we playevery 1 or 2 months against teams from around Shanghai. Unfortunately, thereare not very many women’s teams and so we do not get to play competitively asoften as I would like but the sport is becoming more popular and more women areforming teams together. I hope to stay with MELODY for as long as I stay inChina.
很开心我来写这个感受,确实能够加入MELODY Moonie的大家庭,能够享受每周一次2小时的篮球团队活动,让人非常幸福。
12.6第一次试训,初来乍到,就为SEVEN姐姐爆表的颜值惊叹,并且特别感动的是,Seven还借给我一条篮球裤避免受伤。我一直记得这件事,而且这也是俱乐部的文化之一,队员们互相关心,帮助和成长,每周六都会来一次汗水和正能量洗礼!说到Moonie,队员们来自五湖四海,各行各业,有大陆,有台湾,有英国;有海归;有销售,有软件工程师,有设计师,有猎头,有财务,…但是大家都热爱篮球,文化与激情的碰撞;同时,队员们年龄跨度也是让人醉了,从10+到40+,甚至还有Sherry和小飞人的母女档,只要你热爱篮球,MELODY 都欢迎你的加入;除了每周六的正常训练外,每个季度都会安排1-2场友谊赛检验大家的训练成果,这也是最最让人兴奋的地方,第一次比赛的前一个夜晚,甚至都激动的睡不着……虽然目前参加的两场比赛都惜败,但是阻挡不住我们对篮球的热情,我们会一如既往的享受Saturday Night 6-8pm的每一分每一秒。MELODY Moonie, Happy 4th Anniversary!
I am very happy to be invited to write forMoonie’s fourth birthday! I am very honored to be part of the MELODY Mooniefamily, and have the opportunity to enjoy the weekly two hours training.
Actually I heard about MELODY back in 2009via the internet. As an action taker, I came to Shanghai that year during thenational holidays and played with the members at Xujiahui Park twice. Time flewand five years later, I decided to move to Shanghai for work. Once I confirmedmy job in November last year, I contacted MELODY immediately and sent in my “resume”(application form); as I couldn’t wait to join the club.
I joined the Moonie’s try out on December6, 2014. When I arrived, I was amazed by the beauty of our team’s manager,Seven; and I was very touched by her kindness and offer to lend me a pair ofsports pants for the try out to avoid getting injured (since I was wearingjeans that day). I still remember this, and this is one of the club’s cultures.Each member takes care of one another, helps one another to grow and improve;and every Saturday is an opportunity to get powered up with lots of positivityfrom the basketball training. Our members are from all around the world andworking in various industries. We have players from mainland China, Taiwan, andthe UK; and we also have overseas Chinese playing in the team. We have playersworking as sales, engineers, designers, head hunters, finance analysts, etc.But we all have one thing in common, which is we all love this team sport andthe club culture. The age range of the players is also quite a big gap, as wehave teenagers and moms. As long as you love this game, MELODY welcomes you.Other than our weekly training, we also organize 1-2 friendly matches everyseason to “put to practice” what we learnt from the training sessions. This isalso one of the things that excites me the most, the games. I still rememberthe night before my first game with the team. I was so excited that I could notsleep. Although we lost the two games recently, it does not stop us fromcontinuing to love basketball. We will continue to enjoy every second of ourtraining every Saturday from 6pm to 8pm. MELODY Moonie, Happy 4thAnniversary!
四年的时光,从筹备到成立到发展,虽然当中离开一年,MELODY月亮队的点滴我是较为完整的见证者。如果没有加入月亮队,我应该就是在球场边走过的路人甲;如果没有加入月亮队,我肯定就是个和篮球没缘分的看客;如果没有加入月亮队,我大概现在是个有肚腩的小胖纸。但是,机缘巧合,我带着篮球,月亮队带着我,一同进入了这个之前未曾涉足的领域。虽然零基础,领队的工作也堪比球队经理,但是我不愿意说我是来打酱油的,因为每次训练我都很认真,非常享受这个踏入社会后来之不易的锻炼机会。好比是五天工作后的一节120分钟的体育课,很开心,很尽兴。领队是我,大姐头是我,中锋是我,我的身份很多,需要管理和参与的事情也很多。但是我始终记得,我的初衷,be a basketball player, 我会继续为之努力。还有,we are MELODY,more than a team.
Four years, from the very beginning of preparingto start the team, to forming the team and to the current stage of developingand growing the team; although I was away for a year, I have witnessed MELODYMoonie’s developments, growth and changes throughout these years. If I had notjoined Moonie, I would just be a passerby when I walk pass a basketball court.If I did not join Moonie, I would just be a spectator of this team sport. If Ihad not joined Moonie, I would not be as fit or in shape as I am today. But itwas by chance that I came across basketball, and ever since I got involved withMoonie; I was brought into this basketball affair, something that I had neverbeen in touch before. Although I was a total beginner, and the role of theleader in the team is like the team’s manager; I would like to be seen as aplayer as well. I take every training session seriously, and have been enjoyingevery basketball training opportunity. After leaving school, I still have theopportunity to do sports and exercise. It’s like having a P.E. class for 120minutes after five working days. I feel very happy and have a lot of fun. I amMoonie’s manager, big sister, and center; I have several roles in this team,and I am in charge of several things in the team. But I always remember myinitial intention for coming to Moonie, which is to be a basketball player. Iwill continue to work hard on this goal. And, we are MELODY, more than a team.
Happy Birthday, Moonie.
We are MELODY!